In January 2020 several new laws went into effect that make it easier than ever for California homeowners to build Accessory Dwelling Units or ADU’s on their property.
Use your extra space for:
Parents and In-laws
Aging in Place
Long term rental
“Man Cave”
Adult Children
Rent your primary residence!
Pool House
Home Office
“She Shed!”
Air BnB
Short Term Rental
Watch for a summary and explanation of the new laws and how they affect you!
Now Available
Tim Alatorre is featured in this new, just released volume:
Inside the Mind of the Architect, Volume 2
Order your signed copy today for only $19.95 + S&H
Book Summary:
Containing the writings of leading architects from around the world, this anthology provides a glimpse of the design approach and personality of each. This book is ideal for architects, students of architecture, and those who appreciate great design. By entering into the minds of these leading and award winning architects, you will receive valuable insights available only to the select few